I am very excited about sharing my written work with you. I’ve been what I call a “closet writer”, someone who enjoys writing but does not necessarily share it with the world. It took some time for me to reach the decision in sharing my writing. I encountered crossroads in my life I never fathomed I would experience. I was diagnosed with severe depression, anxiety and all the unwelcome effects that accompany both. Fortunately, I have wonderful family members and friends that pushed me to get professional help. I have a great support system. I found that writing what I experienced, moments of dark and light, would be an effective tool to uplift my mental health. Hence, the title of my book, “Darkness and Lightness”. Spirituality was of great help to me as well, it always has. I was born in Mayaguez, Puerto Rico, raised in Brooklyn, New York and educated in New York City. I am very proud of my culture, native language of Spanish and a love of the English language as well. As an adolescent, I had an innate hunger for Spirituality, for God (in all manifestations) in my life. I experimented with many spiritual paths and learned from all. My life experiences and spirituality have helped me explore many universal philosophies. My professional background by day is in Corporate Banking and very diverse. My wish to all reading this work, is that you find something meaningful in my words that you can relate to and perhaps, perhaps, apply to your life. I wish you happiness and may your goals in life be realized. I send blessings and love to all. “You are not alone.” Norman Rivera Gonzalez